MP Viersen Calls on Transport Minister to Scrap ArriveCAN & Mandates
August 24, 2021
Barrhead AB: This week, Arnold Viersen, Member of Parliament for Peace River – Westlock sent a letter to Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra calling on him – once again – to end ArriveCAN and any remaining Covid mandates.
MP Viersen has been regularly calling on the Liberal government to end the mandates and ArriveCAN. As early as last December, MP Viersen and his Conservative colleagues, wrote to the Liberal government to warn of the harms of their mandates and ArriveCAN to Canadians.
“It is past time to allow Canadians to travel freely and to re-enter their country without these headaches,” said MP Viersen. “Canadians want a return to pre-pandemic normal.”
In his letter to the Minister, MP Viersen pointed out: “ArriveCAN continues to cause Canadians unnecessary stress with its glitches, privacy concerns, and the potential for long-term use. Additionally, Canadians have been stranded abroad and told to quarantine unnecessarily upon return, locked in their own homes. Overall, travellers and tourism have been needlessly and negatively affected. Many businesses in the tourism industry, mayors, and regional councils are calling for an end to this madness.”
Conservatives will continue to fight for all Canadians to be able to return to normal life and travel.