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MP Viersen CIVIX Interview

This year I was honoured to be part of a CIVIX project that created a series of videos to help Canadian youth better understand politics and the role of elected representatives. The objective of these videos is to highlight the motivations of politicians, demystify common misconceptions, and increase awareness of the importance of public service.

Questions included:

  • Why did you run for political office?
  • What has been your proudest accomplishment during your time as an MP?
  • What motivates you to go to work every day?
  • Can you tell us about a time when you worked with an MP across party lines to achieve a common goal?
  • If you were to share a piece of advice with your 16-year old self, what would it be?

Please contact my Alberta office at 1-800-667-8450 if you would like me to come speak to your class.