What a Mess: Corruption, Contempt & Arrogance Mire the Liberals
June 23, 2021
Ottawa, ON – As the House of Commons adjourns for the summer today, the Liberals’ corruption and contempt for Parliament were on full display.
“There Liberals are mired in so many scandals that they seem to blur into each other. Each day Canadians are faced with another example of arrogance, corruption, or contempt from the Trudeau government’” said Peace River – Westlock MP Arnold Viersen. “What a mess!”
This week’s Liberal scandals and contempt include:
• Suing the Speaker of the House of Commons to seal national microbiology lab documents
• Ramming Bill C-10 through the House of Commons without proper review and censuring MPs from defending freedom of speech
• Refusing four Orders of Parliament to turn over documents regarding the firing of two government scientists after the transfer of viruses from Canada to China.
• Using taxpayers’ dollars to subsidize the political operations of the Liberal Party of Canada.
• Using taxpayer dollars to campaign for the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador.
• Condemnation by the National Defence Ombudsman for trying to “exert control” over sexual misconduct investigations
• Blocking the completion of the Defence Committee’s report on Liberal’s handling of sexual misconduct allegations involving senior military commanders
• Announcing plans to move forward with a backdoor gun registry after Parliament adjourns for the summer
• Vetting judicial appointments through the Liberal Party of Canada database to ensure judges support Justin Trudeau
• Introducing a new “hate speech law” which could restore Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act
“We have been very clear: only a Conservative government will stand up for Canadians and democracy,” said MP Viersen. “Conservatives will restore transparency in our government, ensure accountability with taxpayer dollars, secure free speech, defend law-abiding gun owners and fight sexual violence.
“While the Liberals and NDP may look the other way on the rights of Canadians, Conservatives will not.”