Statement: Conservatives Call on Trudeau Government to Scrap Planned Tax Hikes
Ottawa, ON – Today, the Hon. Tim Uppal, Conservative Shadow Minister for the Treasury Board, issued the following statement calling on the Trudeau government to scrap any planned tax hikes on Canadians:
“At a time when 1.6 million Canadians have already been laid off, stores and restaurants have been told to close their doors, and Canadians have been told to stay at home, the last thing they need to worry about is paying higher taxes. That is why Conservatives are calling on the government to immediately scrap any planned tax hikes during this crisis, including the April 1st increase to the Liberal Carbon Tax.
“Too many Canadians are already worried about how they will pay their rent this month or put food on their tables. The last thing they need is a 50 percent increase to the Liberal Carbon Tax, which will only further increase the cost of gas, groceries and home heating.
“Nurses and doctors driving into work every day to keep Canadians healthy and safe shouldn’t have to pay more for gas because of the Liberal Carbon Tax increase. Neither should truck drivers, moving essential supplies like food and medicine across the country, or other essential service workers.
“During these unprecedented times, the government should be focused on ways to put more money in Canadians’ pockets, not less. A crisis is no time for a tax hike.
“Conservatives will keep working to ensure Canadians, workers and small businesses affected by COVID-19 have the help they need. We will continue to use all of the tools available to us to hold the government to account. And we will continue to use our strengthened Opposition to ask tough questions on behalf of Canadians and put forward constructive solutions to ensure that no one falls through the cracks.”